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EnOB joint project: TMon

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03EN1068A Subproject: Economic evaluation and assessment

Project description

Unfortunately, the quality of buildings, especially the increasingly complex functions of technical building systems, often does not meet the expectations of clients and users. In recent years, a number of new methods and service profiles for building quality management have therefore emerged, e.g. VDI guidelines 6039 on commissioning management and VDI 6041 on technical monitoring. The DGNB and BNB certification systems also require corresponding measures. The AMEV published/revised Recommendation 158 "Technical Monitoring" in 2020.

Numerous research projects and studies in recent years have shown that it is fundamentally possible to construct highly efficient and comfortable buildings, even with complex functional requirements. At the same time, however, it has also been established that buildings often fall considerably short of the client's planning objectives during operation. Since 2017, technical monitoring (TMon) and commissioning management have increasingly been used as independent services or as part of certifications to counteract these quality deficits.

The "TMon" project aims to evaluate the introduction and implementation of the "Technical Monitoring" service profile and related quality management services such as commissioning management from a technical, economic and organizational psychological perspective. The research project will examine and evaluate 100 projects from all over Germany.

The result should be a comprehensive evaluation of the technical and economic success of technical monitoring. The focus will be on statements on effectiveness, economic efficiency, acceptance and scalability. In addition, approaches will be developed to further improve the services on the basis of practical experience.

The cross-evaluation should cover a wide range of buildings, operators and service providers, from public buildings to the private construction industry. Among other things, the following questions should be answered:

- What services are offered in detail in practice?

- How are the services implemented (methods, tools, etc.)?

- How, where and in what form must monitoring be suitably integrated into the usual planning processes or differentiated from them?

- Do the services successfully contribute to improving building performance?

- What quality deficits are identified in buildings? Have they been eliminated?

- Are the services cost-effective?

- What obstacles and motivations exist during implementation?

By answering these questions, the aim is to determine what added value the services bring and how they can be further optimized if necessary to improve the quality of the buildings.

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Plesser, Franziska Bockelmann, Dr.-Ing. Mani Zargari

01.11.2022 - 31.10.2026
Further links

Online workshop series "Sustainable heat supply using heat pumps: application - quality assurance - district supply"
The presentations of the individual research projects are available for download here

26.04.2023 - GeoResume
03.05.2023 - TMon
10.05.2023 - QEWSplus
24.05.2023 - GeoQart I and GeoQart II
31.05.2023 - WIN