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Bachelor's/Master's thesis: Development of business models for the marketing of Plus-Energy buildings

Development of business models for the marketing of plus-energy buildings

1. objective, background

Plus-energy buildings are characterized by the fact that they produce more energy than they consume. They are therefore an important building block on the road to energy transition and climate neutrality. So far, they have not yet established themselves as a building standard, as often only additional costs are seen during construction and not the long-term benefits.

The work is being carried out as part of the EU research project "Cultural-E", in which replicable building concepts for energy-plus multi-family houses are being developed and a comprehensive optimization of the cost/benefit ratio is being carried out. Four companies are also involved in developing new products for the simple implementation of the building concepts, including a company from the monitoring and cloud services sector. A demo project with an adapted building concept is currently being planned and built with other partners in four countries.

The master's thesis aims to expand existing business models and develop new models for marketing Plus-Energy buildings. It is crucial that the companies' previous focus is expanded to include the new functions and opportunities offered by Plus-Energy buildings with their new technologies. For example, rental models that include heat and electricity or the local marketing of PV electricity, services in building operation and property management are possible. Services for the user are also possible via an app, such as feedback on energy consumption, information on when household appliances can be operated with their own PV electricity, free charging stations or an existing packing station. Further creative ideas are welcome.

2. processing
The first step is to research, collect and structure the additional options and services and work out the added value for building manufacturers, landlords, operators and users. Regulatory obstacles should also be identified and support measures taken into account, which differ in the four countries of the demo projects. Methods such as the value proposition canvas, the BMC (business model canvas) or others are suitable as effective and clear options for presentation.

In the second step, the new ideas are to be tailored to different companies in the multi-storey residential construction sector:

  • Housing construction companies, property developers (private, municipal, church, cooperatives, ...)
  • Billing service providers (electricity, heat, direct marketers, ...)
  • energy suppliers
  • Contracting companies
  • E-mobility service providers, car-sharing companies

The result of the work should be a guideline for business models of the above-mentioned companies for the marketing of Plus-Energy buildings. Due to the many topics and players that play a role here, targeted marketing will require coordinated cooperation between different companies whose business models must be coordinated with each other in a targeted manner. As an example, the business models of the four demo project partners will be adapted and combined with the services of corresponding partner companies.

3. preliminary work
An extensive compilation of business models developed in a previous EU project in connection with nearly zero-energy buildings is a good aid. Of course, preliminary work by the demo and technology partners of the EU project is available and a targeted exchange of information with them is planned.

4 Timetable
The work requires approximately three to six months of full-time work. Attendance at siz energieplus is required at times to enable close coordination. English language skills are also required for communication with the international partners.

Work should begin as soon as possible.

5. support

On the part of siz energieplus:

Dr. Hermann Leis
Steinbeis Innovation Center energieplus
Gropiusplatz 10, 70563 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 99007-94