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Leuphana University of Lüneburg

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Project description

Leuphana University of Lüneburg is pursuing an overall strategy for "climate-neutral campus development". The aim is to achieve a zero-energy campus in the sense of a primary energy balance. The extensive generation of solar power, a heat supply based on biomass cogeneration and the exclusive purchase of certified green electricity since 2012 have led to a balanced CO2 balance for all university operations, including business trips, company vehicles and a climate-neutral supply of heat and electricity to the neighboring residential area of Lüneburg-Bockelsberg.
In addition to the energy-saving measures, the focus is on the holistic and strategically planned establishment of an energy-efficient energy supply from renewable energies (CHP, cascaded heat use, solar power, thermal storage) and the consideration of user behavior (ambient intelligence system).
As part of the EnEff:Stadt demonstration project "Climate-neutral campus", which Leuphana University Lüneburg has been pursuing since 2010, a new central building is currently under construction. Over the next four years, siz energie+ will scientifically monitor the performance of the innovative building and the campus area in order to ensure that the ambitious energy and indoor climate targets in building operation are met in the long term. The concept is based on the standards of a Net Zero Emission Building (NZEB).
The BMWi awarded the integrative sustainable concept on which the new building is based in the "Architecture with Energy" competition in May 2009. This was in recognition of the fact that it was possible to combine energy-efficient construction with exceptional architecture and to operate the building without emissions or primary energy consumption in a sophisticated public building. In 2015, Leuphana was awarded the German Solar Prize in the solar construction and urban development category for its overall energy concept and the involvement of the city and students. The aim of this project is to evaluate and safeguard these exemplary and ambitious planning objectives by monitoring the operation of the building.

Development of a comprehensive monitoring infrastructure
Supporting the commissioning and adjustment of the plant technology
Development and testing of new tools for commissioning management and technical monitoring
Adjustment and optimization of plant technology

Samuel Rischmüller, 0531 - 391-3590

01.09.2016 - 30.06.2021

  • energydesign braunschweig GmbH synavision GmbH Network partner University of Leuphana, Lüneburg Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Opel

  • The research project is funded as part of the EnOB funding initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

WP1 Quality assurance
Construction and commissioning of the monitoring infrastructure
Mapping the technical systems on the "digital test bench"
Accompanying the commissioning and adjustment of the system technology

WP2 Monitoring
Intensive scientific monitoring - EnOB phase 2
Long-term monitoring - EnOB phase 3
Energy balancing
Functional tests on the "digital test bench"

WP3 Support for operational optimization
Support for adjustment/operation optimization

WP4 User interface
Investigation of the ambient intelligence approach
Analysis of the user integration