The hyBit project - Hydrogen for Bremen's Industrial Transformation - is the starting point and at the same time the central initial impulse for a hydrogen hub in Bremen and also the nucleus for a northern German hydrogen economy as part of the transformation to a sustainable and climate-neutral Europe.
The development of a hydrogen economy induces cross-sectoral, far-reaching transformation processes and new interdependencies at various socio-technical, economic, ecological and regulatory levels. The current early phase of the hydrogen transformation is a paradigm shift, both technologically and socially, which is characterized by great uncertainties with regard to the political and regulatory framework conditions and market developments as well as the question of the appropriate transformation path. The development of the hydrogen economy is strongly oriented towards specific centers, so-called hydrogen hubs, which are characterized by a high need for transformation across sectors, but which at the same time justify the necessary investments for the development of a hydrogen economy and will thus be the nuclei of a European integrated hydrogen economy.
This is precisely where hyBit comes in with a holistic approach that takes a cross-sectoral view of the development of a hydrogen hub both locally, regionally and internationally and works on it in the various research clusters with diverse disciplinary research approaches in order to then be brought together in the planned transformation platform. This will allow a better understanding of possible transformation paths for building and shaping a resilient, sustainable hydrogen economy. As a systemic approach with its unique multiple infrastructural requirements at the Bremen site and its planned transformation platform, HyBit offers (implementation) solutions that can also be transferred to other hydrogen hubs.
The joint project is divided into five research clusters and two cross-sectional areas, each with subdivided work areas and work packages: