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GeoTabs - Improved design and control of geothermal heat pumps combinedwith thermally activated building systems in office buildings GeoTabs - Optimized planning, design and control of combined geothermal heat pumps

Project description

The overall aim of GeoTabs is to improve the planning basis and operational control of systems with geothermal energy, heat pumps and concrete core activation in office buildings with the help of monitoring and simulation data as well as comfort surveys.

GeoTabs - Optimized planning, design and control of geothermal heat pumps in combination with thermally activated components in energy-efficient office buildings

In modern office buildings, the desire for a high level of room comfort (especially when cooling) and a reduction in energy consumption is leading to the implementation and further development of eco-innovative buildings and corresponding system technology. One possible implementation is the combination of ground-coupled heat pumps (GCHP) with thermally activated building components (TABS).
The implementation of GCHP and TABS differs completely from the previous conventional rapid heating and cooling systems. Efficient control of the systems is usually extremely difficult to implement due to their sluggish behavior. Careful planning and subsequent control of the temperature level in the ground are essential for long-term efficient operation.
Experience from completed projects (e.g. IEA Annex 48, WKSP) shows that an error-free and optimized interaction of hydraulics and control for the operation of the technical systems - on the building side: thermally activated building component systems (TABS) and on the system side: ground-coupled heat pump - is not always satisfactorily achieved, even after several years of adjustment. However, this is absolutely essential to ensure the energy efficiency of the overall system (building and system) on the one hand and the required level of comfort in the building on the other. Furthermore, the installed controls lack diagnostic routines and interfaces for parameter control.

The partial contents and objectives of the research project derived from this problem are

A comprehensive literature study in the field of dimensioning and design methods as well as the latest research results of TABS, geothermal heat exchangers and underground storage tanks, ground-coupled heat pumps, thermal comfort in office buildings, control strategies as well as operation of these systems, etc. The literature research should result in a "state-of-the-art report", which should be a valuable source of information for all planners, companies and researchers working in this field in the future.
A work package that deals with the various cases of office buildings equipped with thermally activated components in conjunction with ground-coupled heat pumps that are currently being or have been monitored and are now being analyzed in terms of their design, planning and execution. The analysis will include design and planning procedures and building data, as well as the energy consumption, performance and target values of the buildings, the type and scope of operation and any optimizations already carried out, etc..
The aim of monitoring is to gather reliable knowledge and information about the dynamic behavior of the systems (start-up, shutdown, reaction to control inputs, etc.) and to carry out a detailed assessment of the control strategies (control parameters, target values, etc.). The analysis should reveal poorly and well performing components and systems and the importance of careful integration of all systems into the overall concept.

Optimum building and system operation can only be achieved by comparing real data and planning target values. A control system must recognize deviations in real operation, identify new control parameters and implement these in the control functions in order to guarantee ideal operation. The sub-goal of the research project is therefore to develop a control algorithm for the ground-coupled heat pump system in conjunction with component activation. Within the scope of this project, control algorithms are to be defined as a basis for future control systems. Thus, a novel concept of a self-monitoring and self-optimizing controller can be presented, which can be used in buildings with ground-coupled heat pumps in combination with TABS, which heat and cool the building simultaneously.
A further sub-goal is to use the collected monitoring and simulation results to develop scientifically sound guidelines for improved and suitable dimensioning procedures and control strategies as well as control during operation for GCHP-TABS combinations. The general guidelines should enable future planning, commissioning and optimization to improve energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions and performance while maintaining or improving thermal comfort.

VGH - Regional Head Office Lüneburg
Location: Lüneburg, Germany

Geothermal system: energy piles

Arcadis Building Hasselt
Location: Hasselt, Belgium

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

Location: Schiphol Oost/ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Geothermal system: Wells

Infrax West
Location: Torhout, Belgium

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

Arenberg ICT 3&4
Location: Leuven, Belgium

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

Hollandsch Huys
Location: Hasselt, Belgium

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

EnergyForum Berlin
Location: Berlin-Friedrichshein, Germany

Geothermal system: Energy piles

Location: Denmark

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

Location: Diegem, Belgium

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

Rickmers shipping company
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

Juridisch kantoor Wellen
Location: Wellen, Belgium

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

infrax Dilbeek
Location: Dilbeek, Belgium

Geothermal system: geothermal probes

Museum Lothar Fischer
Location: Neumarkt i.d.OPf, Germany

Geothermal system: Energy piles

Location: Welkenraedt, Belgium

Geothermal system: Geothermal probes

Technology Center Festpo
Location: Esslingen, Germany

Geothermal system: Energy piles

Viborg City Hall
Location: Viborg, Denmark

Geothermal system: Wells

Location: -

Geothermal system: Geothermal probes

Dipl.-Ing. Franziska Bockelmann, Hanna Soldaty M.Sc.

2010 to 2013

  • International cooperation partners Research and development Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium: Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Civil Engineering Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften - Fachhochschule Nürnberg, Germany Lessius Mechelen vzw, Campus de Nayer, Belgium Université de Liège, Belgium Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Company Belgium Factor4 Studienbureau R. Boydens NV Belvi NV Rehau COPROMAX ENG. SPRL. Denmark HelioPower A/S NILAN A/S Germany energydesign Braunschweig GmbH SolarNext AG Heimann Ingenieure GmbH Netherlands BenR Adviseurs voor duurzaamheid DGMR Bouw B.V. DWA installatie- en energieadvies Smits van Burgst BV Vabi Software BV Thermal Comfort Systems BV Czech Republic MIKROKLIMA s.r.o.

  • Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)