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fertighauscity 5+

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Project description

The aim of the "fertighauscity5+" project is to develop variants of multi-storey residential buildings in timber construction with up to 5 storeys for inner-city areas in terms of building typology and construction technology. The variants are designed in such a way that different user groups are integrated into the construction projects in a participatory manner via the planner and manufacturer. The typologies are developed under the premise of cost-effectiveness, energy efficiency and the highest possible degree of prefabrication. In a further step, the variants are compared and evaluated in terms of architecture, construction, fire protection and energy efficiency. The result is a comparative catalog of measures with detailed considerations of different systems with instructions for structural implementation.

The focus is on timber construction systems, which offer considerable potential in terms of prefabrication, construction time and flexible production. These can be particularly advantageous in multi-storey construction. Although the legal basis for such construction methods has been created with the new model building regulations and the model timber construction guideline, there is still a certain amount of reservation and uncertainty among building owners, planners and contractors regarding their actual application. Reasons for this include a lack of concepts in the technical implementation of the legal requirements.

A project team with different areas of expertise was put together for the development and comprehensive assessment of multi-storey residential buildings in timber construction. In addition to the IGS, which is responsible for the development of climate concepts, building physics thermal insulation, dimensioning, design and degree of prefabrication of the building technology, the use of renewable energies and the consideration of energy efficiency along the entire life cycle of the building, four other partners are working on the following aspects of the project:

Architecture and type development (IIKE)
Fire protection (iBMB)
Building construction and production technology (O. Lux)
Participatory planning and social models (BWK)

The project is conceived as a follow-up project to the ongoing project "From industrialized single-family house construction to dense residential construction" and concretizes the findings for practical implementation with the type development.
Due to the strong interest shown by building owners in the form of cooperatives and building owner associations, the implementation of a pilot project is envisaged. Once this project has been completed, the findings will be implemented in an exemplary manner with the partners. If possible, the pilot project should be accompanied by a long-term monitoring program at a technical and social level.

Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Eickmeyer, Dipl.-Ing. Volker Huckemann

2006 to 2007

  • IIKE - Institute for Industrial Building and Constructive Design, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, TU Braunschweig IBMB - Institute for Fire Protection and Solid Construction, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, TU Braunschweig BWK - Bauwohnberatung Karlsruhe O.Lux Holzbau GmbH, Roth

  • BBSR,Research Initiative Future Building