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CO2 - neutral heat supply for housing estates

Project description

Development of feasibility studies for the realization of a CO2 - neutral heat supply

The Institute for Building and Solar Technology (IGS) at the TU Braunschweig is working on a project on "CO2-neutral heat supply for housing estates" as part of the "Solarthermie2000plus" funding program of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU).
The aim of this research project is the development of feasibility studies for the realization of a CO2-neutral heat supply for residential buildings or settlements with 50 - 250 residential units in urban and rural areas.

The content of the research project in phase 1 (rough analysis) is the preparation of feasibility studies for approx. 15 to 20 projects in the area of new buildings as well as for existing buildings to be renovated. The focus is on the combination of solar energy with biomass (wood pellets, wood chips, etc.), geothermal energy or waste heat for heat supply. In addition to the design of the system technology adapted to the respective load case, the main points of these studies are statements on the CO2 reduction potential and the cost/benefit ratio in terms of primary energy savings and emissions.

Phase 2 includes the detailed analysis of approx. 10 plants, which form the basis for a later realization of the projects under consideration and thus cover the task of preliminary and design planning. A parameter study with a simulation model is used to optimize the system, which is adapted to the respective feasibility study.

In addition to the development of technically adapted solutions, an integral planning team will also deal with cross-trade issues such as optimizing the thermal insulation standard of the buildings to be supplied with regard to an overall economic heat supply concept. Generalized planning strategies that can be transferred to other projects will be derived and documented from the concept solutions developed for the respective defined tasks.

In a follow-up project, the projects worked on in the detailed analysis are implemented in reality and scientifically monitored.

Projektleitung Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Schlosser


  • Steinbeis Transfer Center for Energy, Building and Solar Technology, Stuttgart Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Baumgärtner Tel.: + 49 711 - 990 07 73 Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics - Project Group Kassel Contact: Tekn.-Dr. Dietrich Schmidt Tel.: + 49 561 - 804 18 71
Further links
Final report