By 2045, the energy supply in Germany is to become greenhouse gas-neutral, including the heating sector. With the Heating Planning Act (WPG 2024) and the amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG 2024), a legal basis has been created to support the heating transition towards climate-friendly heating. The aim is to gradually reduce dependence on fossil fuels and achieve the transformation towards a renewable heat supply. In the future, newly installed heating systems must therefore have a renewable share of at least 65%.
The current dependence on fossil fuels, most of which are imported, is also leading to increased demand for domestic energy sources, particularly for the heat supply, which accounts for the largest share of total energy demand in Germany. These boundary conditions mean that heat pumps are playing an increasingly important role in the heating transition. As an indispensable component of a future climate-neutral heat supply, efficient heat pumps require increased attention with regard to their operating conditions, application and the associated heat sources.
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