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Presentation of the Heinz Bach Prize

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Our colleague Heiner won 2nd prize at the Heinz Bach Prize award ceremony on 23.10.2023! Congratulations to him!

The prize recognizes outstanding, innovative work in the field of heating and ventilation technology as well as energy storage with a focus on energy efficiency, CO2 savings and sustainability. This year, the prize was awarded to four students who successfully completed their research and final theses in 2022.

The prize is awarded by the VdF HLK Stuttgart e.V. and the ITGA Baden-Württemberg e.V. in cooperation with the Institute for Building Energy, Thermal Engineering and Energy Storage (IGTE) at the University of Stuttgart, with the aim of promoting young scientists in memory of the work of Prof. Dr.-Ing.

The prize winners are:

1st prize

Mr. Mashhur Gheni for his research work on the topic "Creation of a dynamic simulation model to investigate the influence of user behaviour on the indoor climate in residential buildings"

2nd prize

Mr Heiner Steinacker for his Master's thesis on "Development of a dynamic simulation model for the optimization of heat-coupled hydrogen concepts for climate-neutral district supply"

3rd prize (awarded to two students)

Ms. Ronja Schweizer for her bachelor thesis "Investigations and further development of highly efficient thermal insulation concepts for hot water storage tanks"

Mr. Louis Tafelmaier for his Bachelor's thesis on the "Development of an evaluation tool for the automated determination of the Smart Readiness Indicator from building information models"

Source: Verein der Förderer der Forschung im Bereich Heizung-Lüftung-Klimatechnik Stuttgart e.V.