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Innovation award for sustainability won!

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WON - in Berlin, the Klimaquartier Neue Weststadt Esslingen was awarded the "Sustainability" special innovation prize.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection presented ten real-world laboratories with the Innovation Award for Real-World Laboratories at a ceremony on May 31, 2022. With this award, the ministry recognizes outstanding projects for innovation and regulation that may have been unthinkable five years ago, but whose exemplary character makes a contribution that improves people's lives and the environment in a very concrete way.

A jury of experts selected nine winning projects from a total of 101 competition entries. A tenth winning project in the special category "Sustainability" was chosen live by the 300 or so participants at the awards ceremony. This project is our climate quarter Esslingen Neue Weststadt, which won with 44% of the votes received against two other projects. Tobias Nusser, project manager for Neue Weststadt, was there on behalf of the entire team and took home the special prize after a project video and short pitch.

Many thanks and congratulations to the entire project team for this remarkable prize and recognition for our work from the BWMK, the jury and the audience on site. Neue Weststadt Esslingen and the project association are now officially entitled to bear the label "excellent!2022 - Real-world laboratories - test spaces for innovation and regulation".

Here is the congratulations on winning from Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection

To see the portrait of the project as the winning film, click here

The official press release and all further information on the BMWK award ceremony can be found here

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Esslingen Quartier