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CampoV monitoring project

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CampoV in Stuttgart-Vaihingen is the first German PlusEnergy student residence - built by WohnbauStudio, it was supported by siz energieplus during planning and construction and supervised for 2.5 years as part of detailed scientific monitoring.

Interactive graphics were used to analyze and optimize the building's entire energy consumption and electricity generation - it was found that user behavior has a very strong influence on the building's energy efficiency. The users were made aware of their consumption behavior and savings potential via a user app developed especially for this project by the company mondayVision and in regular competitions and information events. Up to 89% of the solar power was used by the building itself, and the efficiency of the installed lithium-iron-phosphate power storage system is around 80%. The plus energy standard could not be achieved in the period under review due to unadapted user behavior and significantly higher technical equipment than assumed in the planning - the influence of the corona pandemic on the way the building was used was strong. The area-based consumption values usually used in planning can only be applied to special forms of use such as student residences to a limited extent due to the high occupancy density.

Further information on the project can be found here.

The following article on the project appeared in Steinbeis Transfer-Magazin 02/2023: