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2nd Rems-Murr Housing Summit

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The Waiblingen district building group organized the 2nd Rems-Murr Housing Summit in the Backnang community centre on 19.10.2022.

In addition to a panel discussion with members of the Baden-Württemberg state parliament and various themed forums on "Building law and urban land-use planning", "Energy and mobility", "Building and ecology" and "Neighborhood development and social coexistence", Prof. Norbert Fisch gave a lecture on "The building sector on the way to climate neutrality - data, facts, recommendations for practical action".

Prof. Fisch took up the 12 theses from the report "Taking responsibility - the building sector on the way to climate neutrality", which the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) prepared together with the Steinbeis Innovation Center energieplus at the end of 2021 on behalf of the Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V., Berlin. The study shows how climate protection targets can be achieved in the building sector, taking into account the funding landscape and the necessary resources.

The detailed program of the housing summit can be found here.

The report "Taking responsibility - the building sector on the way to climate neutrality" can be found here.

Cover picture: ©Kreisbaugesellschaft Waiblingen mbH