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Recommendations for the Efficiency House Plus standard

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Project description

The Efficiency House Plus standard can make an important contribution on the way to a climate-neutral building stock in Germany. Efficiency House Plus buildings produce more energy from renewable sources than they require for their operation.

A broad-based standardized survey was conducted among private and institutional building owners, users, architects, engineers, craftsmen, energy consultants, operators and product manufacturers to enable a well-founded analysis of the obstacles to implementing the Efficiency House Plus standard. In two subsequent workshops with planners and researchers from the Efficiency House Plus network, among others, as well as representatives from the trades and the construction industry, the results of the survey were discussed and solutions developed.

The aim of the project was to create a planning guide with recommendations for the successful implementation of the Efficiency House Plus standard in residential buildings. The 40 specific planning recommendations for new buildings and refurbishments are aimed primarily at architects, specialist planners, private builders and project developers who wish to implement Efficiency House Plus residential buildings. Pioneering residential buildings and their supply concepts are presented on the basis of exemplary detached houses and apartment buildings.

The project "Recommendations for the Efficiency House Plus standard - expert survey and best practice examples" aims to develop recommendations for the practical implementation of the Efficiency House Plus standard and to highlight exemplary buildings. The main result of the project is the brochure: "Efficiency House Plus - Planning Recommendations" - it is aimed primarily at planners and people who want to take a closer look at the standard.

In order to develop planning recommendations for the implementation of the Efficiency House Plus standard, a multi-stage research design was conceived. First, an online survey was used to create a broad base of expert experience on the implementation of the standard, including obstacles and proposed solutions. These were discussed, categorized and further developed in an initial interdisciplinary research workshop with experts.

The results available to date were then implemented in an initial draft guideline, which was discussed in a second expert workshop. With the help of the resulting findings, the draft was revised and realized in the brochure "Efficiency House Plus Standard - Planning Recommendations".

Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. N. Fisch

  • Berliner Institut für Sozialforschung GmbH, Berlin HHS PLANER + ARCHITEKTEN AG, Kassel

- Online survey of experts
- Workshop - expert discussion, obstacles and solutions for implementing the Efficiency House Plus Standard
- Derivation and drafting of recommendations for implementing the Efficiency House Plus Standard and 2nd workshop
- Development of the brochure "Efficiency House Plus Standard - planning recommendations"