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PlusEnergy house Riedberg

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Project description

Monitoring of an apartment building with 17 residential units to the Efficiency House Plus standard

This building is intended to achieve two goals. Firstly, the innovative approach of "active functional descriptions" is to be tested in practice (see GA Spec&Check research project).

Secondly, monitoring is to be used to show that the Efficiency House Plus standard can also be implemented in apartment buildings.

The monitoring of the MFH Riedberg is funded by the ZukunftBau research initiative of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development.

Apartment building Riedberg

In Frankfurt am Main-Riedberg, there is an apartment building with 17 two- to five-room apartments with a total living space of around 1,600 m² on four full storeys. With the help of a high-quality building envelope that meets the passive house standard and optimal use of renewable energies, the Efficiency House Plus standard is to be achieved in the apartment building.

View of the Riedberg apartment building (source: egs-plan)
Illustration: View of Riedberg apartment building (source: egs-plan)

IGS is developing the associated monitoring concept and evaluating measurement data in order to verify the building's Efficiency House Plus standard. Furthermore, the measurement data is analyzed in detail and measures to optimize building operation are implemented and evaluated.

Floor plans (source: hhs Architekten und Planer)
Figure: Floor plans (Source: hhs Architekten und Planer)

Oliver Rosebrock, M.Sc.

01.10.2014 until 30.09.2016

  • Institute for Building and Solar Technology (IGS) Naussauische Heimstätte EGS-plan

  • BBSR FutureBuilding