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Future space Wolfsburg

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Strategies for implementing the energy transition in an urban context

Project description

The overall aim of the "Future Wolfsburg" research project is to develop an overarching concept for holistic urban development with a networked interactive energy supply for the new urban districts in the south-eastern part of Wolfsburg and to implement innovative pilot projects in collaboration with local stakeholders. The focus is on the development of decentralized supply concepts for functional urban units (blocks, districts) with renewable energies, the improvement of the overall energy efficiency of the urban area and the systemic networking of existing and new districts.

In a first step, binding planning objectives will be developed and defined at the various levels of the urban partners (city/ WOB AG/ LSW/ VW Kraftwerk/ housing associations) and anchored in the planning processes. For the new neighborhoods, an energy standard "ActivePlus Neighborhoods" will be reviewed and evaluated, i.e. a supply of 100% renewable energy (CO2-neutral) in the annual balance. The aim is not to create self-sufficient districts, but to integrate the districts into the supra-regional electricity and gas grid and contribute to the implementation of a "smart grid" with the integration of renewable energies into the heat and electricity supply. The focus will therefore also be on networking and tapping synergies between existing and new districts.

Projektleitung Dipl.-Ing. Arch. Thomas Wilken Tel.: + 49 531 - 391 3634 Sandra Wöhrer MArch. Tel.: + 49 531 - 391 3592

01.08.2015 until 31.07.2017

  • Cooperation partners Institute for Urban Development and Design Methodology (iSE) Prof. Uwe Brederlau Wolfsburg AG Eric Hoffmann External project partners City of Wolfsburg Urban Planning and Building Consultancy Division Kai-Uwe Hirschheide Wolfsburg Energy Agency Karin Oesten VW Immobilien Christopher Lezius Neuland Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH Jörg Dahmer

  • German Federal Environmental Foundation
Further links
Final report