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EVAGREEN - Evaluation for sustainable buildings

Project description

Evagreen - Quality assurance and evaluation of sustainable buildings in Germany

Technical and economic quality assurance across all project phases

Methodology for realizing individual target values in construction projects
Systematic target value testing as an interface between planning and operation
Implementation of quality targets as a process using a web-based tool
Process control via mails, uploads, downloads
The need for the research project arises from the discrepancy between high targets in planning and the actual performance in building operation, which often does not meet them. In addition to the influence of user behaviour, system operation offers great potential for optimization.

On the one hand, the target definitions and classifications of buildings have so far been largely limited to the planning phase up to completion and thus remain independent of real everyday use. On the other hand, although the increasingly complex building systems offer the potential to achieve energy-optimized operation, the risk of defects in the installation, operation and maintenance of the systems increases at the same time.

Clear and practicable specifications in the form of target values must be defined and checked in order to detect defects at an early stage and take appropriate measures. For technical building systems, this applies, for example, to regulation, operational management and operational monitoring.

With the funded research project "EVAgreen: Quality assurance and evaluation of sustainable buildings in Germany", a tool is being developed to help bridge the interfaces in the life cycle of a building. The methodology for continuous technical and economic quality assurance involves the following steps:
After defining clearly specifiable goals, the central element of the project concept is the continuous and systematic review of these goals through target/actual comparisons in all relevant life cycle phases. A standardized analysis procedure is used to transfer the evaluations to other buildings and thus multiply them.

The target values can be assigned to the following categories:

Building structure/building envelope
Technical installations
Energy demand/consumption
Room comfort
Economic efficiency
A web-based tool is being implemented for technical and economic controlling, which can be used by service providers, specialist planners and institutional clients to monitor success from target definition to operation. Process control is planned via the automated sending of e-mails to the user through a ticket system. In this way, the user is provided with accompanying technical explanations and detailed specifications for checking and evaluating the target values.

Dipl.-Ing. Lars Altendorf , Dr.-Ing. Stefan Plesser

09/2011 until 2012

  • Prof. Uwe Rotermund Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH & Co KG energydesign braunschweig GmbH synavision GmbH LH Hannover

  • German Federal Environmental Foundation