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Energy Toolkit

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Project description

The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for the integrated simulation, operational management and monitoring of buildings and local infrastructure networks (electricity, heat, gas). The approach is based on the combination of existing methods and tools from different disciplines.

Overview of the EnergyToolKit project objectives (©elenia)

The project focus of the IGS as part of the Energy Toolkit lies in the development of a concept for the auditing and energy evaluation of existing neighborhoods as well as for the technical and economic evaluation of predicted development scenarios of the building stock. The basis is a library of current and future performance and load profiles for decentralized energy generation and for heat and electricity consumption. Building on this, a database is being created for the costs of the transformation processes with regard to the building stock under consideration. In addition to numerous building types and refurbishment standards, typical configurations for energy generation are also being developed. Typologies for photovoltaic systems (PV systems), combined heat and power plants (CHP) and heat pumps are currently planned. The typological construction kit is managed using the "energie navigator" software from Synavision GmbH. It already has sophisticated functions for importing, cleansing, linking and evaluating load data.

Management of the typological modular system with the synavision energie navigator

Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Reiss

04/2013 until 09/2016

  • Institute for Building and Solar Technology (IGS) Institute for High Voltage Technology and Electrical Power Systems (elenia) Institute for Traffic Safety and Automation Technology

  • Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)