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EnEff Campus: blueMAP TU Braunschweig

Project description

An integral energy master plan is being developed for the campus of the Technische Universität Braunschweig. Based on an inventory, methods and tools are being developed to reduce primary energy consumption by 40 % in the medium term and to supply the campus exclusively with renewable energy in the long term.

The holistic energy-efficient refurbishment of European cities is a key issue for implementing the energy transition in Germany. The inner-city campus of the TU Braunschweig will be used as an example to develop planning and optimization methods to improve the energy efficiency of urban districts. Based on the evaluated initial situation, scenarios for the reduction of energy consumption, the rational use of energy and the use of renewable energy sources on the university campus will be examined under ecological and economic boundary conditions. This is being carried out by an interdisciplinary team of architects and urban planners, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, etc. An energy master plan will be drawn up over the next 2 ½ years. In order to document the aspirations of the scientific institutions in the planning and development of innovative concepts, the politically specified sub-targets, e.g. for the reduction of CO2 emissions by 2020, will be doubled and visions for a sustainable energy supply for the campus by 2050 will be developed. The research and development work is closely linked to teaching in all areas.
The TU Braunschweig's blueMAP campus project has excellent links with regional and national climate protection activities such as the 100% Renewable Model Region, the Automotive Research Center of Lower Saxony (NFF) and Volkswagen AG.

Campus II research team
Project objective
Creation of a master plan with a concrete implementation concept by 2020 for the TU Braunschweig campus as a pilot project
Entry into an implementation-oriented planning phase 2020, Vision 2050
Development of a basis for utilization
Planned utilization of results
An energy master plan is being developed for the TU Braunschweig campus, which will initially form the basis for implementing the defined sub-goals by 2020. University-relevant as well as political, administrative and economic decisions can be made or reviewed on this basis. The models and tools are designed in such a way that they can be adapted to the respective framework conditions.
This makes the master plan a flexible instrument that can continue to be used after completion of the project or in follow-up projects. A book publication and an internet platform with animations and scenario presentations are planned as further formats for utilization.


01.04.2012 until 31.03.2015

  • Institute for Urban Planning and Design Methodology (iSE) Prof. Uwe Brederlau Institute for Psychology (IfP) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Simone Kauffeld Institute for High Voltage Technology and Electrical Power Systems (elenia) Prof. Dr.-Michael Kurrat TU Braunschweig; Division 3 - Facility Management Head: Jörg Jaspers Cooperation partner external Braunschweig University of Art Institute of Transportation Design (ITD) Prof. Dr. Stephan Rammler HIS-Hochschulentwicklung (HIS-HE) Synavision GmbH Aachen BS I ENERGY

  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)