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13th project management meeting on energy transition construction

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At the end of April, two siz energieplus research projects presented their interim results at the 13th project management meeting of the Energiewendebauen research initiative in Dresden.

The "H2-Quartier" project is investigating the integration of electrolyzers in urban districts at six locations in southern Germany, while "QuaSi_II" is developing an opensource simulation tool for the energy supply of districts.

The two-day conference offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with almost 30 other interesting research projects and around 100 participants from all over Germany and to learn about current research projects in the field of climate-neutral energy supply for buildings and neighborhoods.

The poster contributions of the projects "QuaSi_II" and "H2-Quartier" can be found here:

Poster QuaSi II

Poster H2-Quartier

Further information on the project management meeting of the Energiewendebauen research initiative can be found here.